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Personal Research about the sprite sorting in 2D videogames and camera culling

Sprite Sorting & Camera Culling

Sprite Sorting

The objective of implementing sprite sorting is to make a 2D world look like a 3D world. Depending in which order the program render the entities, the sprites overlaps ones to others. Playing with this order we can make the game looks nice.
To achieve this effect, we can use differents methods:

Cut Sprites

The sprite or tile used is divided in two. The top part is rendered on top of the entities and the botton one under them.
It is the easiest and fastest way to implement the sorting of sprites.
Eru's Adventures

Eru’s Adventure, my “Research Work” from high school

Sorting Layers

By position

Consist in sorting the entities depending of their Y position.
The farther away of the camera, the first to render. In other words, the entity will be at the back.


With triggers

Using non-fisical colliders to detect which entity must be rendered first.
This is usually implemented when a map have routes at different heights that intersect.

Pokemon Gen 3 - Seaside Cycling


The axis used in 2D games are the X, for width, and Y, for height, but adding another one, Z, we make the game have depth, like a 3D.
This could be very useful for isometric games, because they look like 3D games, or side-view orthogonal games, because they do not usually have a lot of perspective.
The Secret of Monkey Island

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition

Camera Culling

The camera culling is used to optimize the game by not rendering what it is outside the camera.
The tiles outside the boundaries of the camera are not calculated and the entities are not updated and drawed.
Horizon Zero Down

Horizon Zero Dawn


What I aimed to achive is implement a sorting as automatic as I could create. This code generate a group of tiles that I like to call “assembles” from any layer, without needing an exclusive layer to sort, and then use it to sort the sprites.
The sorting can be represented in 5 layers:

Some considerations:

Unluckily, there might be some bugs. What I experienced is caused by rendering the entities in two “layers”. If the character is under an assemble with another entity the sorting between them works fine, but if you leave the assemble and the other entity is poking out, the character will render on top o the entity.


Attributes to the tiles.

I am using Tiled to create the maps used in this template.
When you have all setted up to work, Tiled should have opened a tileset window. If not, click in the tileset options button, at the bottom of your active tilesets.
Once you are in the tileset window, add attributes to each tile using right click on the mouse in “Custom Attributes” we see on the left part of this window. I used an int named “detectAssamble”, and used a number for each tipe of tile. For example, if a tree is two tiles tall, use the same number in both tiles.
detectAssamble 1
detectAssamble 2


Read & Store

You will need to store the information about the attributes implemented; in other words: how many tiles have a property, the ID of the tile, which property, etc.
I did it like this:

int tileCount;
struct TileProperty
  int tileId;
  Properties properties;

Watch out! You need to declare first the struct Properties to store them.

Then, in the .cpp, read and store the variables. Something like this:

set->tileCount = 0;
pugi::xml_node actualNode = tileset_node.child("tile");
while (actualNode.child("properties"))
  set->tileProperty[set->tileCount].tileId = actualNode.attribute("id").as_int();
  LoadProperties(actualNode, set->tileProperty[set->tileCount].properties);
  actualNode = actualNode.next_sibling();


The function to draw everything

We need in the entity manager a function to draw entities and maps.
So, for the moment, adapt how the map and the entities are drawed.

TODO 3.5

Detect them!

When rendering each tile, detect if the tile is one with an attribute.

for (int t = 0; t < tileset->tileCount; t++)
  if (tileId - 1 == tileset->tileProperty[t].tileId) 


Avengers, Assemble!

This class will store all the information about the generated assembles, that are tiles united to form like entities.
It should have enough variables for the sorting and the render.
This are the variables I used:

class Assemble

  int tilesAssemble = 0;
  struct TileInfo
    iPoint tileMapPosition;
    iPoint tileWorldPosition;
    TileSet* tileset;
    SDL_Rect rectangle;


The previous have the result

To generate assembles we should check previous tiles in the X and Y axis.

int tileIdPrevX = layer->Get(x - 1, y);
int tileIdPrevY = layer->Get(x, y - 1);
TileSet* tilesetPrevX = nullptr;
TileSet* tilesetPrevY = nullptr;

if (tileIdPrevX > 0)
  tilesetPrevX = map->GetTilesetFromTileId(tileIdPrevX);
if (tileIdPrevY > 0)
  tilesetPrevY = map->GetTilesetFromTileId(tileIdPrevY);
int propPrevX = -1;
int propPrevY = -1;

for (int t = 0; t < tileset->tileCount; t++)
  if (tileId - 1 == tileset->tileProperty[t].tileId)
    if (tileIdPrevX > 0)
      for (int tp = 0; tp < tileset->tileCount; tp++)
        if (tileIdPrevX - 1 == tilesetPrevX->tileProperty[tp].tileId)
        propPrevX = tilesetPrevX->tileProperty[tp].properties.GetProperty("detectAssamble", 0);
    if (tileIdPrevY > 0)
      for (int tp = 0; tp < tileset->tileCount; tp++)
        if (tileIdPrevY - 1 == tilesetPrevY->tileProperty[tp].tileId)
        propPrevY = tilesetPrevY->tileProperty[tp].properties.GetProperty("detectAssamble", 0);
     if (tileset->tileProperty[t].properties.GetProperty("detectAssamble", 0) == propPrevX) 
     else if (tileset->tileProperty[t].properties.GetProperty("detectAssamble", 0) == propPrevY) 


Store the Assemble

Store information about the assembles that are going to be created. If the actual tile and the previous have the same attribute, the actual tile will count as the assemble of the previous tile. If not, it will generate a new assemble.

if (tileset->tileProperty[t].properties.GetProperty("detectAssamble", 0) == propPrevX)
    for (int a = 0; a < assembledList.Count(); a++)
        bool done = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < assembledList.At(a)->data->tilesAssemble; i++)
	    if (assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[i].tileMapPosition.x == x - 1 && 
	        assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[i].tileMapPosition.y == y)
		assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[assembledList.At(a)->data->tilesAssemble].tileMapPosition = { x, y };
		assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[assembledList.At(a)->data->tilesAssemble].tileWorldPosition = pos;
		assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[assembledList.At(a)->data->tilesAssemble].rectangle = rec;
		assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[assembledList.At(a)->data->tilesAssemble].tileset = tileset;
		done = true;
	if (done) break;
else if (tileset->tileProperty[t].properties.GetProperty("detectAssamble", 0) == propPrevY)
    for (int a = 0; a < assembledList.Count(); a++)
        bool done = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < assembledList.At(a)->data->tilesAssemble; i++)
	    if (assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[i].tileMapPosition.x == x && 
	        assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[i].tileMapPosition.y == y - 1)
	        assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[assembledList.At(a)->data->tilesAssemble].tileMapPosition = { x, y };
		assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[assembledList.At(a)->data->tilesAssemble].tileWorldPosition = pos;
		assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[assembledList.At(a)->data->tilesAssemble].rectangle = rec;
		assembledList.At(a)->data->tileInfo[assembledList.At(a)->data->tilesAssemble].tileset = tileset;
		done = true;
	if (done) break;
    assemble = new Assemble;
    assemble->tileInfo[0].tileMapPosition = { x, y };
    assemble->tileInfo[0].tileWorldPosition = pos;
    assemble->tileInfo[0].rectangle = rec;
    assemble->tileInfo[0].tileset = tileset;

TODO 6.5

ERROR: assemble not rendered

The tiles that have been assembled are going to be rendered later. A boolean will do the work.


The sorting starts

First, organize the entities by their position in the Y axis so, when drawing them, the entities will render in the correct order.

ListItem<Entity*>* list = entities.start;
bool swapped = true;
while (swapped)
    swapped = false;
    while (list != NULL && list->next != NULL)
    	if (list->data->position.y < list->next->data->position.y)
	    SWAP(list->data, list->next->data);
	    swapped = true;
	list = list->next;

TODO 7.5

Copying the work

Create a new ListItem<Entity> to copy the previous list sorted.
The list sorted is inverted, so when the copy is used it must be rendered backwards (x->prev)


Near the Endgame

To get the dimensions of the assemble, we go for each assemble created getting its dimensions.

for (int l = 0; l < assembledList.Count(); l++)
    int maxX = assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[0].tileWorldPosition.x;
    int minX = assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[0].tileWorldPosition.x;
    int maxY = assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[0].tileWorldPosition.y;
    int minY = assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[0].tileWorldPosition.y;
    for (int a = 0; a < assembledList.At(l)->data->tilesAssemble; a++)
    	if (maxX < assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileWorldPosition.x + map->data.tileWidth) 
	    maxX = assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileWorldPosition.x + map->data.tileWidth;
	if (minX > assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileWorldPosition.x)
	    minX = assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileWorldPosition.x;
	if (maxY < assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileWorldPosition.y + map->data.tileHeight)
	    maxY = assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileWorldPosition.y + map->data.tileHeight;
	if (minY > assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileWorldPosition.y)
	    minY = assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileWorldPosition.y;


Below boys, below

Using the previous TODO generate all entities that are under an assemble.

sorted = list;
while (sorted != NULL)
   if (sorted->data->position.x + sorted->data->width >= minX && sorted->data->position.x <= maxX &&
       sorted->data->position.y + sorted->data->height >= minY && sorted->data->position.y <= maxY &&
       sorted->data->renderable == true)
	sorted->data->renderable = false;
   sorted = sorted->prev;



Draw every assemble created, then delete them and clear the list to avoid memory leaks.

for (int l = 0; l < assembledList.Count(); l++)
    for (int a = 0; a < assembledList.At(l)->data->tilesAssemble; a++)
	    assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileWorldPosition.x + assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileset->offsetX,
	    assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileWorldPosition.y + assembledList.At(l)->data->tileInfo[a].tileset->offsetY,
    delete assembledList.At(l)->data;
    assembledList.At(l)->data = nullptr;


On top of the world

Draw the rest of the entities that have not been rendered.

sorted = list;
while (sorted != NULL)
    if (sorted->data->renderable == true)
    sorted->data->renderable = true;
    sorted = sorted->prev;


Camera Culling

Implement the camera culling. If any tile is not in the camera, will not be calculated and drawed.
If the assembles do not render correctly, add a bit more in the dimensions of the camera (-render->camera.x - render->camera.w/4)

for (int y = 0; y < map->data.height; ++y)
    for (int x = 0; x < map->data.width; ++x)
        iPoint pos = map->MapToWorld(x, y);
	if (pos.x + map->data.tileWidth > -render->camera.x && pos.x < -render->camera.x + render->camera.w &&
	    pos.y + map->data.tileWidth > -render->camera.y && pos.y < -render->camera.y + render->camera.h)
if (list->data->position.x + list->data->width > -render->camera.x && 
    list->data->position.x < -render->camera.x + render->camera.w &&
    list->data->position.y + list->data->height > -render->camera.y && 
    list->data->position.y < -render->camera.y + render->camera.h)


Personalize and adapt the code as your needs demand. You can add elements to improve the optimitation, or to draw entities once when rendering layers.